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Rhea Singhvi

Are We Quick To Make Judgements?

Chapter 14

Collins English Grammar and Composition: Class 6, (Collins India)

Grammar Gear: Class 8 (Cambridge University Press)

Collins English Grammar and Composition: Class 6, (Collins India)

"That was a silly question from the audience."
"She is very friendly _________, her sister is quite reserved."
"Meenu’s little sister is so irritating and child____."

We label people excessively. Calling a question ‘silly’ fuels the fear in a child who is afraid to question. Calling the child ‘irritated’ or ‘childish’ causes further anguish and being unfriendly cannot be equated to being reserved. In doing this, we teach children to be less understanding, less kind and less accepting of people around them.

The goal of a classroom or any safe space should be to create an atmosphere that is emotionally accepting and conducive to growth. Then, constant labelling defeats this purpose.

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Sep 11, 2020

Really intrigued by these articles. I am a product of Indian education and these articles really make me pause and give a thought to what I have always learned in school. Great work !

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